Example ContractsClausesIn [Article 1
In [Article 1
In [Article 1 contract clause examples

In [Article 1.0], “REFERENCE DATA”, the definition of the defined term “Term Expiration Date:” shall be amended to read as follows: "May 31, 2022"

In [Article 1.0], “REFERENCE DATA”, the definition of the defined term “Security Deposit:” shall be amended to read: $28,960.00 Upon execution of this Amendment, Tenant shall deposit with Landlord such additional funds as may be required to bring the Security Deposit held by Landlord to such amount.

In [Article 1.0], “REFERENCE DATA”, the definition of the defined term “Term Expiration Date:” shall be amended to read as follows:

In [Article 1.0], “REFERENCE DATA”, the definition of the defined term “Term Expiration Date:” shall be amended to read as follows:

In [Article 1.0] of the Lease, “REFERENCE DATA”, the definition of the defined term “Security Deposit:” shall be amended to read:

[Article 1.1] of the License shall be superseded and replaced with the following:

[Article 1.33] is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows:

[Article 1.50] is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows:

[Article 1.75] is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows:

Building:That certain life sciences building containing approximately 19,957 rentable square feet of space located at 11585 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, California 92121 (the “Building”).

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